How to forgive?

By choosing to move beyond what has hurt us!

Teaching forgiveness to children

How many adults are left marked by events that would have required forgiveness! Teaching children to forgive will certainly lead them to live in peace with themselves and with others. They learn especially by example. Even though it is difficult to forgive, especially when we have been deeply hurt, as educators and parents, let us demonstrate to them how to make the choice to free themselves.

Forgiveness is teaching them how to love themselves and not let events interfere with their happiness.

Forgiveness is an immense virtue, which has the capacity to bring peace to both the forgiven and the forgiver!

Tools for forgiveness

Putting things into perspective
Putting things into perspective

Take a deep breath and connect to the present moment. Look at the facts as an outside observer. Then remember that the universe always conspires in our favor.

Take nothing personally
Take nothing personally

What others do is theirs. Everyone has their own story and interpretation. The important thing is to be aware of this in order to make the choice to forgive

Connect with our heart
Connect with our heart

How do you do this? Find a moment in your life that is filled with love. Visualize it and let yourself be bathed in the love that is always present in our hearts.

Discover the master virtue and passion opposite to forgiveness.


Benefits of being patient


Understanding Anger

Use our games to help children understand the importance of forgiveness.

A great gift for our children would be if, from an early age, they were able to develop a vocabulary related to Forgiveness and its counterpart, Anger. The Forgiveness card text is a good guide for thinking about this topic and incorporating it through play.

For example, in the game Karma Buster we can choose to block another player with a karma card, or focus on the combination of virtues-passions cards to move us forward in the game. As it is written on the card, it is the ability to make wise choices, to distinguish between those that move us forward and those that hold us back. In the game as in life…

Playing VirtHU, Karma Buster or KaHUna allows us to better understand the roots of our sensitivities, to learn to know ourselves better and to develop our faith in life. Plus much more, one game at a time.

Testimony about forgiveness


Q: Gaston, how did you come to forgive the person who abused you?


A: “I warn you right now, my answer might offend sensitive ears…Read more at your own risk haha!”


The main thing that helped me to forgive is my realization that we are more than a body, that we are souls. Moreover, I had proof of a physical feeling during the death of a close one. Having this awareness, the logical next step for me was to realize that our soul manifests itself in several lifetimes. Then I felt that the abuse I had been a victim of was the karmic consequence of a past life. This is called karma (see the page of karma). Actually I felt that the price I paid was much lower than my own actions. Since we are all connected, I believe that by forgiving others, we forgive ourselves and others forgive us, a return to balance. In my opinion, life is a movement in search of balance, of its neutral state, the space of all possibilities …. I hope my sharing can help, if only one person. Thank you for your openness!”