Greed, having it for a little power

Hoarding for oneself out of fear of running out and always wanting more, but why?

What is the source of greed?

An excessive desire to accumulate wealth. Being selfish. A possible cause: the fear of not being loved. How Having excessively takes over Being Human, all combined with fears like scarcity and especially the lack of Love!

The fear of missing out, the fear of the future, a feeling of security in having coupled with the fear of losing. There is nothing comfortable about this and it is far from the fullness that allows us to reach a state of peace and well-being by accepting what we have and who we are.

My child is selfish. What can I do about it?

Learning how to have
Learning how to have

This is directly related to self-esteem: feeling deserving by accepting the love in what is offered. Quite a challenge as a parent! Let the child feel worthy of having without keeping everything for himself or wanting more.

Setting an example of sharing
Setting an example of sharing

One of the best opportunities to set an example of sharing is a family meal: children naturally have a great sense of fairness and are very sensitive to the daily acts of generosity demonstrated by those around them.

Learning to share
Learning to share

In our society where the emphasis is largely on individualism, the benefits of sharing have been forgotten. Let’s teach our children that every action has an impact on the present as well as the future. To share is to love!

Discover the virtues in opposition to avarice


Power of gratitude


Contentment: how to be happy in life?

Use our games to help children understand greed

A great gift for our children would be if, from an early age, they were able to develop a vocabulary related to Contentment and its counterpart, Greed. The Contentment card text is a good guide for thinking about this topic and incorporating it through play.

For example, you can separate the passion cards from the other cards in the VirtHU, Karma Buster or Kahuna games and set them aside. At the beginning of the week, you draw a “passion” card that you place on the fridge and, throughout the week, the family members pay particular attention to how they live this passion on a daily basis. Then you plan a nice family sharing followed by a wonderful card game. A good habit to consider for the improvement of family relationships. Hence our slogan “Enhancing life, one game at a time!”

Playing HulaHU card games is about understanding the sources of our sensitivities better, learning more about ourselves and developing our faith in life. And so much more, all one game at a time.

Testimony about greed


Q : Gaston, do you have a real life story about stinginess?


A : Oh yes! I will never forget when, at the age of 9, I was selfish, which is related to greed. In my youth, Halloween was the most important day for me and for many children: it was one of the only opportunities to collect as much candy as possible.


By the evening, after running around for several hours, I had accumulated 3 large bags. My foster mom asked us to bring our candies to the dining room table. All of the children went in all directions to fulfill her request. As I asked her “why are we doing this?” With enthusiasm and joy she replied, “We are all going to share these candies together.”


I then went upstairs to my room where I had hidden my harvest. Overcome by selfishness and fear of losing what I had collected, I began to eat as much candy as possible. After 10 minutes, all the children downstairs shouted: ” come on, come down Gaston, we are going to eat candies “. I could hardly answer because my mouth was so full, overwhelmed by the fear of missing out.


When I finally joined the other children, I felt uneasiness towards the others and a sharp pain. My right side was on fire and my eyes filled with tears. I was crying as if my stomach was going to explode. And yes, my appendix had burst. Off to the emergency room…


Greed is a passion that has taken over our entire society. In my opinion, this reveals the extent to which we are confronted with excessive fears, and a great lack of love. The fact of having more and more material goods is a phenomenon of society, as if possessing bigger and more beautiful things would reveal who we really are, which is totally false. All the people who are victims of this passion are blinded by it and at all levels. There is a big difference between being proud of what we accomplish and associating our own value to the possession of our goods.


What should we do for our children? Going to the emergency room? Not necessary! Being loved and loving is the counterpart to fears and selfishness.


Spending quality time with children, adapting to their world, expressing our love with words and gestures and caring for them by showing our gratitude. Yes, children are far more in need of our love than all the candies in the world, because after all, we are their most sacred-sweet treats.”