How to learn to make good decisions?
Discernment is first and foremost following your inner compass
How to explain discernment to children
Being able to discern means thinking for yourself, acting according to your heart and being mindful of your intuitions.
Using your ability to listen with your heart, your mind and all your senses, including of course the signals of your body, allows you to have an accurate idea of what is going on, in order to cultivate respect for all people, starting with yourself.
Using discernment, ideally without being influenced by the outside world, transforms a life because it allows us to make wiser choices for ourselves and for others, to live in full integrity, to live a happier life.
My child is too impressionable, what should I do?

Think for yourself
Discernment helps us to think for ourselves. It is a crucial virtue to integrate into our children’s education if we do not want them to become too impressionable. They are already the targets of advertisements, video games, etc.

Make better choices
Let’s teach our children that every decision they make can be greatly influenced by listening to their feelings, their inner voice. Thus, they will become insightful adults by loving themselves and others!

Trust yourself
Do you want your child to become an empowered adult, able to think for themselves? Then it is important to teach them to have confidence, by inviting them to make even the smallest decisions and by honoring them with respect.
Discover master virtue and passion versus discernment
How do you live with integrity?
Why do we lie?
Use our games to help children understand the importance of Discernment
A great gift for our children would be if, from an early age, they were able to develop a vocabulary related to Discernment and its counterpart, Lying. The Discernment card text is a good guide for thinking about this topic and incorporating it through play.
With each turn we make a decision about what action to take, we experience the direct consequence of our choice. In life as in our games, we often have two types of choices: to be defensive or receptive. Is our energy used to block other players or to build our success? It’s up to you to find out…
Playing VirtHU, Karma Buster or KaHUna allows us to better understand the roots of our sensitivities, to learn to know ourselves better and to develop our faith in life. Plus much more, one game at a time.
Testimony about Discernment
Q: Gaston, how did you learn at your expense to follow the advice of this virtue?
A: Discernment is a virtue that has taught me to trust myself more effectively. It is composed of several indicators, all of them are as important as the others. To use the symbol of the compass, as a wind rose, earth teaches us to think for ourselves, fire is the engine that puts us into action, water allows us to put things into perspective because everything flows, and the wind of intuition tells us which way to go or not to go.
So what happened? From the age of 16 to 18 I worked for railway companies. So on July 21, 1978 I was standing between two machines. However, that morning I saw a big machine coming towards me as it did every day. My mind kept telling me: “Don’t worry, it stops every day”. While my intuition, my inner voice, my discernment was telling me very clearly from inside, “Get out of the way”. A few moments later, my left leg was amputated.
So every day when this discernment speaks to me as it does to all of us. I do my best to follow its guidance. I learned to walk again and use my Discernment properly for the rest of my life. We don’t have to lose anything to develop this virtue, just listen to it and trust it. By encouraging children to listen to themselves and act as fully responsible individuals, they will move towards their own discernment.”