Vanity is a misleading mirror
Daring to be yourself is a real treasure
Vanity, a great loneliness of heart
Vanity serves the ego but takes away from the true self.
The desire to always be admired. An excessive self-esteem. A possible cause: Being overwhelmed by a great lack of confidence.
The further away we get from our true spiritual nature, the more we risk falling into a trap like vanity, which among other things is the expression of a great loneliness of heart.
Most often, it is the result of a great lack of confidence and therefore of love, starting with self-love. In this case, vanity reflects a certain arrogance, and serves to protect us, like a mask hiding a sensitive vulnerable personality.
By opening up to the world with more humility, by accepting to love ourselves as we are, we show faith in life and in something much greater than ourselves. How? By abandoning our masks, therefore allowing happiness to take its place in our heart.
Vanity explained to children

The trap of vanity
To avoid this trap, we need to explain to children that vanity is likely to drive their friends away and, as a result, they will find themselves very lonely. Because by choosing this behavior, it will eventually do them a disservice.

Proud of my child
If by chance we have identified some vanity in our child, it is important to help him rebuild his self-esteem, simply by expressing to him that we are proud of who he is and who he is becoming. Let’s listen to him with an open heart.

Know yourself well enough
First of all, we must make the child understand that he is loved and that it is important to teach him to love himself and to know his qualities and limits. Then let’s explain to them that nobody is perfect and that we can be both proud and humble.
Discover the virtues in opposition to vanity
Have faith in yourself and trust in life
To teach humility to children is to make them understand that.…
Use our games to help children understand vanity
A great gift for our children would be if, from an early age, they were able to develop a vocabulary related to Humility and its counterpart, Vanity. The Humility card text is a good guide for thinking about this topic and incorporating it through play.
For example, you can separate the passion cards from the other cards in the VirtHU, Karma Buster or Kahuna games and set them aside. At the beginning of the week, you draw a “passion” card that you place on the fridge and, throughout the week, the family members pay particular attention to how they live this passion on a daily basis. Then you plan a nice family sharing followed by a wonderful card game. A good habit to consider for the improvement of family relationships. Hence our slogan “Enhancing life, one game at a time!”
Playing HulaHU card games is all about understanding the sources of our sensitivities, getting to know ourselves better and developing our faith in life. And much more, all at once, one game at a time.
Gaston – Testimony about vanity
Q : How can we overcome vanity?
A: Vanity is a passion or a vice that gives you the opportunity to look inside yourself. From the age of 11 to 15 I took care of about 20 horses every day before going to school. Every time I got on the bus, several kids would scream out loud. “You smell like shit, you stink, wash up for God’s sake”. My family background was very poor. So I only had one pair of boots and one coat. And, every morning, the same scenario would happen again. While a great lack of confidence grew in me, a desire to be admired swelled just as much.
So how did I overcome this challenge of vanity?
One day, after doing my work at the farm, before getting on the bus, I decided to look in the mirror and accept who I was: a farmer. I was proud to be who I am and to take care of all these animals.
Pride is very different than vanity. So I cleaned my boots and shook out my coat. When I got on the bus that morning, no one insulted me or yelled at me.
My pride had overcome this great lack of confidence. And, that great desire to be admired at all costs had been replaced by an unshakable pride in accepting who I am.
Getting children to understand the importance of being proud of who they are is a dance that can be done daily as a family every day, simply by choosing to accept who they are.”