Have faith in yourself and trust in life

Faith is the driving force we need

What is Faith?

It is not a question of religion of any kind, but of spirituality. Faith is a matter of personal feeling and everyone is free to practice it as one wishes. Spirituality being a manifestation of faith, as a philosophy of life, we take everything that happens to us with confidence, accepting that everything is right and for the betterment of all.

Here is the link between vanity, humility and faith: real self-confidence is faith in life and in ourselves. When we are in this state of humility, we no longer rely on vanity to gain self-esteem and we are less affected by the gaze of others.

Teaching the importance of faith to children

Through listening
Through listening

A child who trusts in himself has been understood and listened to by his parents. Trust leads to faith which leads to something bigger than ourselves. In difficult situations, we all tend to turn to faith to regain confidence in life.

Through conversation
Through conversation

Spirituality, Faith, Philosophy of life, so many themes to integrate in our children’s education, so that they may have confidence in themselves, faith in what they perceive. It’s a great opportunity to open their minds by sharing these concepts.

Through actions
Through actions

Such a great gift can only be acquired one small step at a time. Let’s get into the habit of regaining great confidence in ourselves and in life with our children, through daily actions. For example, being humbly grateful for what we have.

Discover the basic virtue and passion in opposition to faith


To teach humility to children is to make them understand that.…


Vanity, who are we fooling?

Use our games to help children understand the importance of faith.

A great gift for our children would be if, from an early age, they were able to develop a vocabulary related to Humility and its counterpart, Vanity, which would lead them to Faith.

For example, if a player draws the card of Faith, he can ask participants to share an event or testimony related to this virtue.

Playing VirtHU, Karma Buster or KaHUna is to better understand the sources of our sensitivities, to learn to know ourselves better and to develop our faith in life. And much more, all a game to faith 😉

Pascale – Testimony about Faith


Q: Pascale – How did you follow the guidance of your faith?


A: Real self-confidence is faith in life and in oneself. When you are in this state of humility, you are less sensitive to the gaze of others and their criticism and you can’t make mistakes, just learn….


At first, I was seduced by a trip to Quebec. However, at nearly 50, Canadian immigration was not interested in me at all, and I was told that the profession I was practicing at the time (psychotherapist) would have no outlet, but that if I had a degree in bakery, it would be the red carpet!


When I returned to France, I asked the manager of a good bakery if I could do an internship with them, to see if I was able to perform this job. After a week, I knew that it was positive and I was confident in what I felt. Moreover, the owner of this same bakery had given training in one of the biggest bakeries in Montreal… There is no such thing as chance.


Following what my heart dictated, I went to take this training and, at 50 years old, I landed in Quebec with a promise of employment by starting all over again!
Everything was written in Heaven and I spent 5 years practicing the beautiful profession of baker!


Many friends told me that I was very courageous to do all this. I answered them that by following what my heart was showing me, everything was simple and natural. I couldn’t go wrong.
Trust what your faith tells you and you will go on the paths that correspond to you. You will be surprised, even transformed!”